DSSO | 2020-21 Program Book

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DSSO | 2020-21 Program Book

DSSO | 2020-21 Program Book

Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra

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program book



Want to get someone to read something? Start with a content layout that isn't intimidating. Break up the text so it digestible. Add imagery and/or graphics that aim to peak readers' interests and encourage them to read further. Make important information easy to parse out.These "tips" may not come as a shock to many of you, but there are still so many documents out there that look painstaking to thumb through, let alone read. Our goal is to do just the opposite. We aim to create brochures, booklets, magazines, mailers, you name it, that are enjoyable. Something people would love to pass along to their friends to dive into.We were excited to tackle another large content layout project when the Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra (DSSO) approached us about designing their new program book. Some of the components of the book already existed but how they were unfolded to readers (i.e. orchestra goers) was up for reimagining.


We started by meeting with DSSO's Executive Director to hear what the organization, and patrons, liked and disliked about past program books. Armed with their wishlist of desired changes, we created several variations of the following pages: table of contents, meet the orchestra, performer biography features, and concert details. Since the goal and information of each of these pages varies, each one was given its own intentional design. The design and content layout focused on streamlining the information while keeping the structure and overall feel of the entire program book cohesive.The page variations were shared with the DSSO for review. With their feedback notes, edits were implemented to bring the new program book layout together.


We also created an ad spec sheet for the DSSO. One thing we couldn't help but notice in past iterations of the program books was just how many ads there were. And they seemed to be stuck in just about every spot imaginable. Our advice was to limit the number of ad sizes available going forward. Not only would it help the logistical nightmare of dealing with having to put together a 20+ page advertising puzzle, but it would also help bring uniformity and a clean look to the overall piece.See how the new layouts all came together for yourself below.

Want to get someone to read something? Start with a content layout that isn't intimidating. Break up the text so it digestible. Add imagery and/or graphics that aim to peak readers' interests and encourage them to read further. Make important information easy to parse out.These "tips" may not come as a shock to many of you, but there are still so many documents out there that look painstaking to thumb through, let alone read. Our goal is to do just the opposite. We aim to create brochures, booklets, magazines, mailers, you name it, that are enjoyable. Something people would love to pass along to their friends to dive into.We were excited to tackle another large content layout project when the Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra (DSSO) approached us about designing their new program book. Some of the components of the book already existed but how they were unfolded to readers (i.e. orchestra goers) was up for reimagining.

DSSO Program Book

We started by meeting with DSSO's Executive Director to hear what the organization, and patrons, liked and disliked about past program books. Armed with their wishlist of desired changes, we created several variations of the following pages:

  • Table of Contents
  • Meet the Orchestra
  • Performer Biography Features
  • Concert Details

Since the goal and information of each of these pages varies, each one was given its own intentional design. The design and content layout focused on streamlining the information while keeping the structure and overall feel of the entire program book cohesive.The page variations were shared with the DSSO for review. With their feedback notes, edits were implemented to bring the new program book layout together.


Additionally, we created an ad spec sheet for the DSSO. One thing we couldn't help but notice in past iterations of the program books was just how many ads there were. And they seemed to be stuck in just about every spot imaginable. Our advice was to limit the number of ad sizes available going forward. Not only would it help the logistical nightmare of dealing with having to put together a 20+ page advertising puzzle, but it would also help bring uniformity and a clean look to the overall piece.See how the new layouts all came together for yourself below. And visit our following work pages if you'd like to view additional work we've done with the Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra.DSSO 2020-2021 Season DesignDSSO 2017-2018 Season Design


What they said and how they felt


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