Bubble Gum Pink

R 230 G 170 B 217

Did you ever have an imaginary friend?

I had an imaginary pet mouse named Gus! I told so many stories about him that my grammie started to write them down and illustrated pictures to go along with each scenario.

Antonia Kaliher

Graphic Designer

Antonia Kaliher is an illustrator, fine artist, and graphic designer from Fergus Falls, MN. She studied graphic design at UMD and began working with the Šek team at the end of 2022. When she’s not working as a designer, she creates for her own business, Everyday Antonia Mae, where she sells a variety of illustrated prints, cards, stickers, and more. She takes inspiration from the simple things of everyday life such as her morning coffee, nostalgic home decor, or the people and places around her. When working on a final project during her freshman year of college, she was struggling to create exactly what she wanted by only using her computer. This was her lightbulb moment when she realized that she didn’t have to stick to just one medium of art. She now finds joy combining the analog and digital art worlds in her work as both a designer and fine artist.

Other Team Members

Mike Smíšek

Stephanie Peterson

Paul Carlon

Linnea Jungwirth

Sydney Ormsbee

Owen Zagrabelny

Sarah Herrick-Smíšek

New Employee